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Tax Crimes

Rolling in Dough(nuts)

The family of three Dippin Donut stores in New York were figuratively rolling in dough when they allegedly concealed over a million dollars in cash sales by depositing the money into their personal accounts instead of their business accounts.  The trio also evaded...

Coming Clean is Costly

Robert Smith, CEO of a San Francisco-based company, committed serious financial crimes including his involvement in an illegal scheme to hide income for 15 years and evade millions of dollars in taxes by using offshore trusts and bank accounts. He used his tax savings...

Don’t Get Scammed!

In the IRS’ annual “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams for the year, taxpayers are urged to watch for some of the old tricks, like fake e-mail messages or threatening phone calls by those purporting to be the IRS, to newer scams of fraudsters posing as fake charities...


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