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IRS Awaits Confirmation of Chief Counsel

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2019 | IRS |

The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote to confirm Michael Desmond as Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Chief Counsel as soon as this week, and to IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig, confirmation would be a benefit to the tax agency.

“Having a confirmed chief counsel is important in any governmental agency, particularly one that’s charged with providing guidance – timely guidance – and guidance that applies to people across the board,” Rettig said recently at a conference in Washington, D.C. Desmond was nominated last year by President Donald Trump and approved on February 5th by the Senate Finance Committee.

The IRS Commissioner plans to focus on enforcement efforts: “You have an enforcement-minded commissioner who believes that enforcement supports taxpayer services and that commissioner is very concerned about the taxpayers’ understanding that people who don’t do it right [will] have a consequence,” he said.

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