Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, who formerly appeared on the reality TV series “The Jersey Shore,” pleaded guilty to a charge of tax evasion for years in which he concealed a portion of his income to avoid paying the full amount of taxes owed. Sorrentino’s brother, Marc, also pleaded guilty to a charge of aiding in the preparation of a fraudulent tax return for underreporting income and providing his tax return preparers with false information.
“As we approach this year’s filing season, today’s guilty pleas should serve as a stark reminder to those who would attempt to defraud our nation’s tax system,” said Jonathan D. Larsen, Special Agent in Charge, IRS-Criminal Investigation, Newark Field Office. “No matter what your stature is in our society, everyone is expected to play by the rules, and those who do not will be held accountable and brought to justice.”
Sentencing for the Sorrentino brothers is set for April 25, 2018. Michael faces up to five years in prison for tax evasion. Marc could serve up to three years in prison for aiding in the preparation of a fraudulent return. Each could also be sentenced to periods of supervised release, restitution, and monetary penalties.
For more information, click here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/michael-situation-sorrentino-and-his-brother-marc-sorrentino-plead-guilty-tax-crimes